I've been thinking about the time that I used to work as server programmer at Tri-d Communication, sometimes.
Breaktime, at the office
Haejin's Wedding, spring of 2006, Seoul
Every first things, in my life, are gonna leave deep impression to me. First love, First friend, First school, First job. In this view, Tri-d Communication has much meaning of me.
It was my first time to program a commercial software, to be controlled by manager and to earn money.
Year-end party, 2005, Seoul
What if I was more matured?
What if I was more studied?
Maybe, I had been better time. But it is just assumption and assumption is never be occured.
Anyway, I'm here now. I'm going to future. the Now and the Future is never be stand without the Past.
I believe that. I know that. I will not be depressed by the past fault.
Program team, spring of 2006, Seoul
Just, I miss the past time.
ex) This blog system is terrible. If I put photos on article, the organization is messed up. I hate this stupid system.
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